Agriculture Day
Agriculture Day is a very special event at Waimauku School and dates back to 1960!
It is run over two days in October. On the Friday, the children create floral and craft items to be displayed in the classrooms; on Saturday the children have the option to present their hand reared lamb, goat, calf or chicken in the competition rings.
Ribbon winners then go on to compete at the Kaipara Schools Group Day if they wish. There are numerous other small pet rings to enjoy as well, along with food and a vast variety of stalls and activities.
It is a day of celebration for the school community and we look forward to seeing you there.
Year 8 Graduation
This evening is a senior function dedicated mainly as a graduation and special night for our Year 8 students leaving us and heading off to high school. Our Year 7 students attend and support the Year 8s.
On Friday the 2nd July 2021 we had a celebration assembly and sang happy birthday to our school. Every student and teacher in the school came donned in their 100 year birthday celebration hat. Mrs Dickinson lead us in some school songs. Bev Speedy was our special visitor who told us all about life at our school in the olden days.
Ferguson and Sarina were celebrating their birthdays on the day so got to cut our cake. Thank you to Miss Shanae Lewis for baking our beautiful centenary cake. You need a lot of cake for 756 students!
The day was fun with lots of games and excitement including a dance party in the hall to end the celebrations.
Every year we have a day dedicated to our grandparents. Grandparents are a huge part of our children's lives, and this day is a special time to celebrate them and their contributions.
Our lovely grandparents are invited to the school, where they are welcomed with a powhiri by our kapa haka ropu. They then have time to visit their grandchildren's classrooms and are then treated to a yummy morning tea.